Here you can place an order for our products according to your individual requirements.
Fill out the questionnaire for ordering TDM and send it to us by email:
Our specialists will make calculations and contact you.
Here you can place an order for our products according to your individual requirements.
Fill out the questionnaire for ordering TDM and send it to us by email:
Our specialists will make calculations and contact you.
Address 659315, Russia, Altai Territory, Biysk, st. Socialist, building 13, office 32.
Reception tel: +7 (3852) 36-03-02
Commercial Director:
Tel. : +7(3852) 36-03-04
Sales department:
tel: +7 (3852) 36-03-02
tel:+7 (3852) 36-02-60
tel:+7 (3852) 26-69-09
Supply Department:
tel:+7 (3852) 26-69-09